We at Asia-Pacific Entrepreneur Associate Chamber of Commerce (APEACC) hosted a members’ day on the 26th April 2022 at Grand Palace Restaurant @ I-City. The purpose of this event is to help members and visitors to bond and gather more business contacts. At the same time, APEACC sees a new milestone with a new advisor appointed – Dato Leong Kim Mun, the President of Malaysia Biomass Industries Confederation. 

Among the attendees at the event are Ms Hoh Jee Eng from Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), Yeoh Kean Hiong of UOB Malaysia Bank, and Dato Leong Kim Mun himself. Ms. Sim We Yee is the chairperson of the event. 

As Malaysia is a good country for new businesses to grow and thrive, this event will have a significant value due to that reason. Furthermore, the Companies Act (2016) was introduced to make starting business in the country much easier. With less paperwork and changes have been helpful to many emerging business. 

Although Malaysia is not the biggest country in Asia, it has a fairly noteworthy population. With 31.2 million people, you can find 1/3 of the population living in urban areas. Many have mobile devices and have plenty of access to the internet. What’s not great about that? 

As there are so many business opportunities in Malaysia, Malaysian entrepreneurs will find that there are much to be achieved. Not only can they aim at urbanite Malaysians, they can also aim for businesses made from neighboring countries too. 

Established in 2018 and headquartered in Malaysia, APEACC, is committed to promoting mutual contact between Asia Pacific and international Entrepreneurs. By bring together entrepreneurs in Malaysia, we aim to turn “One World, One Dream” into a reality for budding businesses. 

With the help and guidance of well-established business leaders, new entrepreneurs from all fields get to accumulate social capital, rapid access to necessary information, and among many other benefits. 

Assisting new and upcoming Malaysian entrepreneurs is in line with our core values and aim. We aim to create impact in the Malaysian entrepreneurship to drive change in the entrepreneurship network. For us at APEACC, it’s about making a significant change in the business community. 

At the same time, we also ensure healthy communication of new ideas between the entrepreneurs and the government. Ever-changing and improvement in businesses is a healthy matter for both the entrepreneurs and the government. 

We also place importance in business networking opportunities and cultivating young entrepreneurship leaders. Having contact is paramount for many businesses, new and existing. It’s also good to train young entrepreneurs into being leaders of their own industries. 

Ultimately, we aim to match our entrepreneurs with similar entrepreneurs of their own fields. With this service, entrepreneurs are able to seek out potential new professional partners and suppliers for the growth of their businesses. 

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